Sunday, May 12, 2013

You're All a Bunch of Mothers!

I am not much of a holiday person; the only holidays I truly love are Halloween and New Year’s Eve.  But I sincerely hope that you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day.  It was a beautiful day here in Los Angeles and my mother seemed to have a nice day.  I had a nice day as well and heard from my two beautiful young men in the morning, which was wonderful.  The day started with listening to Agape spiritual services online, which set the tone for a very reflective and conscious day.

Reverend Michael said many things that were amazing, but I especially liked that he acknowledged the fact that Mother’s Day can be tough for many people.  Not everyone has an Ozzy and Harriet or Cosby Show kind of family; Michael reminded those of us in that situation that we were born into this world with lessons we came to learn.  Our families are part of the package that has helped us become who we are today.

When we become aware of the areas of our lives that have fallen short of our ideals, we have the perfect opportunity to remake those areas in a more pleasing way.  For instance, if we were not taught about money as a child, and that lack of knowledge caused us to make many mistakes, perfect!  We have the opportunity now to seek out the information we didn’t get as children.  If we grew up feeling alienated and unloved, great!  Now we have the opportunity to share with others the love that we wish we had received ourselves.

Too many times we wait around looking to receive things from others when the universe is looking at us, wondering what exactly we’re waiting for.  We are the agents of change.  We have all been blessed with painful challenges, and have come through them with wisdom and compassion to share.  We all have gifts and have overcome things that, if we would only be willing to share, could help someone else and be a blessing to the next generation.

In other words, whether or not you have children, you can be a mother to someone.  Even if you are a man, you have gifts of nurturing, patience, and compassion that can lift someone up.  There is someone out there who needs you to be the Light you were meant to be.

So Happy Mother’s Day to all you "Mothers"!  May we all carry the Divine Mother vibration into the next week and seek out people to love, nurture, and care for.  Peace and blessings... now go follow your bliss…

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